One of the important and most effective ways we can grow as a person is through relationships.
Romanic relationships are particularly prone to experiencing strong emotions and therefore romanic relationships often contain though lessons to learn.
Some of us are in relationships out of FEAR. Some of us are in relationships out of LOVE. Sometimes, it is a mix of both.
By reading your Akashic Records, we can know what the purpose is of each individual soul contract. We can read past, current and potential future contracts. We will unveil which valuable lessons you can learn in these relationships. Or you might just be happy that you have no soul contract whatsoever with a certain person. We can read your soul contracts only with your permission. We help you to determine if you have learned your lessons and processed the emotions attached to a certain contract.
If you would like to book a session ( 150 euro/ 175 USD – 75 min) feel free to contact us through the contact form below.
You will receive a reading invitation by e-mail, which will include the payment link (PAYPAL). The readings will be by ZOOM, WhatsApp, Messenger or Facetime. We will agree on a time that is convenient for you.
Here is a description of some the types of relationships you can have :
KARMIC Relationships are not limited to Romantic relationships, but for the sake of simplicity we are just considering the romantic ones here. Karmic Relationship have a distinct lesson to teach us. Once the lesson is learned the relationship, often determined by a toxic behavior of at least one of the partners, can stop. e.g. the Narcissist vs. the Empath.
SOUL MATE Relations are often mutual supporting relationships. These relationships often occur at different stages in life, either with the same person or different persons. The relationship might not be romantic, although they can be for a shorter or longer period.
PLUTONIC Relationships are a particular type of KARMIC relationship and are often confused with TWIN FLAME relationships. PLUTONIC relationship have the same strength of pull or attractions, but on the lower vibrational end of the spectrum. They are designed to have sexual attraction (deeply passionate) and intense interactions between both low self-esteem partners. The PLUTONIC relationship is based on FEAR as the main driver for the relationship. FEAR of not feeling complete without the partner. FEAR of being uncovered as low self-esteem. FEAR of being less popular than the partner. This is a deeply codependent relationship. While TWIN FLAME relationship are destined to raise a person’s vibration towards Love and Self-Love, Plutonic relationships feed on FEAR and TRAUMA. They are controlling relationships, toxic and very cyclic.
Once you know which lessons are yours to learn in your relationships, you can start your HEALING process to help you progress in your learning and exit TOXIC relationships, if required.
Akashic Record Reading can also help you to understand what your purpose is here on Earth as a TWIN FLAME. If you know what mission or purpose you might have, you will gain a deeper understanding of your SPIRITUAL AWAKENING. We can provide this in a GUIDANCE session.