Most importantly the TWIN FLAME PROCESS is here because YOU chose it !
You chose to be on this path of suffering, surrendering and love. You chose to be on this path ALONE. And your TWIN chose to be on his/her path ALONE. Just as with normal twins you are destined to live your life YOUR WAY and develop yourself on your soul path.
Can there be UNION ? YES of course ! Will it be a love relationship ? Who knows ?
The confusion about the love relationship aspect is due to the overwhelming feeling of attraction and the infinite feeling of love for the TWIN. The Mirroring and the Unconditional Love are just a mechanism. A very strong mechanism to purge traumas and old wounds of the inner child. The Mirror triggers the twins on these traumas. The unconditional love forgives the triggering time and time again between the TWINS.
When the TWINS are together they HEAL each other. When the TWINS are in separation they are working on their LESSONS. In both situations the triggering can continue and the longing for LOVE & HEALING will continue.
So, what is the FAST TRACK ?
First, accepting that you are learning on different timelines. Second, that you can never know who is in front and who is lagging behind. You are both on different soul paths and on different timelines. Will you come in UNION in the 5D ? Probably YES. Will you be coming in UNION in the 3D ? Difficult to say. It is difficult to say, because some TWIN FLAME contracts have a 3D love aspect and others do not have a 3D love aspect. On the whole the Universe does not know what a TWIN FLAME contract is, because the Universe does not label soul contracts like that. Humans have invented the term TWIN FLAME.
How to access the FAST TRACK ?
You access the FAST TRACK by realizing that you are here on earth to learn your soul lessons. The faster you learn these lessons that faster you will be out of the TWIN FLAME process. As Simple as that ! So, how do I know which lessons to learn ? There are three different types of lessons to learn :
- Karmic Relationships
- Current Life trauma purging
- Past Life trauma and/or ancestral patterns of behavior purging.
Check out our READINGS page for more information how to learn from relationships. Check out our HEALING page for more information about purging traumas.
So, what is our position on all the other theories in the TWIN FLAME Community. Well, we believe in keeping FOCUS and DIVINE TIMING.
If you are on the FAST TRACK, you are on the fast track to SELF-LOVE. Either way, whatever happens, you will be either happy with or without your TWIN. Once you are a high vibrational self-love being, the TWIN FLAME process might even drift away like a dark cloud in the sky. Focusing on your TWIN will never make you happier, unless one day your TWIN appears and joins you.
You will never have control over somebody else their life. That we know for sure!