Often what we want, is just in front of us. We can almost grab it. But is grabing it, the best path forward. Should it not to come naturally to us without effort. We often push through life with self-esteem and chase goals. Does this always bring fulfillment ?
We all have experienced a ‘Aha-moment’ when everything falls into place. Aren’t these moment much more fulfilling, if they come almost effortless. When a coincidence can almost not be a coincidence.
Life is a balancing act. Learning to push just hard enough, a little, to come to the place where we reach effortlessness. Effortlessness comes when we are 100 % ourselves and we love what we are doing. This state of being brings us in a flow. Sometimes we even loose track of time and space in this flow.
We teach concepts so you will better understand WHO you are, because this is the starting point. Doing effortlessly is very close to BEING. Beyond getting to know WHO you are, attitude is important. Self LOVE is acceptance of ourselves, but also acceptance of the others. Effortlessness comes when we are one with ourselves and one with the world that surrounds us.
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